Conquering the HUDSON #TURBOTECH Denim Challenge

So back in March I was asked to participate in the HUDSON Denim #TURBOTECH Challenge. They sent over a pair of this denim made from a very unique innovative denim fabric that allows you to take your denim from raw to vintage in 30 days. I’m all for challenges and went all in for this one. I sewed items inside the front pockets and put studs inside a layer of fabric on a back pocket, I was going for great with this. So I wore the denim for about 24 days then had to rotate my wardrobe because of my presence at some affairs require no denim so yeah I got off track here and there, but then I took it to another 56days in and decided to take them to Pacific Ocean for a real nice dip. I splashed, dipped and swam in the murky blue for about 20minutes then came out and gave them a nice hand sanding. I knew after that I had something special so I let them retain the salt water over night, then hosed off and washed them in washing machine for a quick gentle cycle then sun dried and BOOM!! I now own a seriously sick pair of denim. Serious lines, holes shapes and wrinkle. I took out all the sewed in items and studs but kept the date coin sewed in for further definition. People the fabric is amazing and the fit is so brilliant. These would easily go for $600.00 at my local denim spot, well done HUDSON this is the future, thank you for the opportunity to expand my creativity. Peep the images below of the experience and if you want a pair of your own folks go HERE.


Adding Studs to Back Pocket

Sewing in Metal pills and Date coin

56 Days in

56 Days inĀ  (Close Up)

Some beach sanding & wrinkling

Pacific Ocean dip

Some more Beach-sanding

Hose off after salt water soak

Sun Dried and ready for wear


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