Akomplice and Sneaker Freaker get together

Back at it again, Akomplice’s clothing latest collaborative effort comes in conjunction with heralded European sneaker publication, Sneaker Freaker. A packaged Tee & Shoelaces presented in a proper manner. The text on the tee, as well as the shoelaces makes use of Akomplice’s hyperlight material that alters color when exposed to sunlight. The thematic mainstay of the collaboration is that taste lies in the tongue of the beholder, and one can rest assured the project will suit the taste of Akomplice and Sneaker Freaker devotees alike. Super limited to 100 produced, 50 in the States and 50 in Europe. The first 12 ordered from both Sneaker Freaker and Akomplice alike come bundled in a miniature red shoebox. The project released in both Europe and the U.S. on May 25th so go HERE to get it, just might be some left.


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