BIRRA di CAPRI takes beer to luxury status

Birra Di Capri

I like to have a beer with seafood and burgers and there are many options out there and I have my favorites. Well the good people of BIRRA DI CAPRI sent over some of there well package product and I was impressed. It’s a luxury Italian craft beer from the island of Capri. That is now available in the United States for the first time. Unpasteurized and unfiltered, locally sourced and brewed in Capri, Italy. This beer is a perfect, just the right amount of refreshing and light on my taste buds. Made with very particular yeasts that give it a fruitful taste, some have called it called a wine drinker’s beer, pairing well with a wide variety of cuisines. I can vouch today that this is a beer you might want to keep in your bar fridge as it comes in a 750ml like a spirit. Go HERE to learn more and look into purchasing some for yourself, doesn’t hurt to try world.


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