Shark Deterrent Wetsuits from RADIATOR

Picture 9So many of my friends like to hit the open water and surf and all that other stuff, for me it’s always been my slight fear of sharks even with knowledge of the so rare chances of a shark attack happening I keep my odds in my favor by just staying close to where the sand and water meet vicinity. On that note for those whom are all out there are these interesting new wet suits from RADIATOR with the claim that they greatly help in the deterrent of sharks. Sharks actually have very good eyesight but they see colours and shapes quite differently to the way humans perceive them. Sharks see in black and white, but their perception of shading is very acute and impacted by the ‘reflective spectrum’ in the water pending how bands of colour react to light. So if you would like to run with this scientific and give it a try or you just dig the suits patterns then go HERE.


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